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Fast Facts

Little Bit About Us


Current Enrollment


Years in Education


Acre Facility Site


Staff Members

Sharon Elementary School is celebrating its 42nd year of providing quality education to the students of Newburgh’s southeast side. The school is located on an eighteen-acre site that also includes a track, soccer field, baseball field, playground, and adequate parking for all school events. The school services a full-day kindergarten program through fifth grade.




Providing a safe and secure learning environment for all students is our number one concern. Every classroom has been equipped with a first-aid kit, emergency flip-chart, and emergency plan guidebook. Four larger, more complete emergency tubs have been strategically placed in the school to provide additional supplies to students in the event of an actual emergency. The school has an AED also. The school has an elevator to provide assistance to all injured or physically impaired students wanting to go from one floor to the other. Also, during evacuations from the building, two exterior ramps are accessed in order to get second-floor students out of the building safely and quickly.

There are 40 classrooms in the building currently serving approximately 651 students. The school staff includes a full-time principal, part-time assistant principal, home/school advisor, social worker, two speech/language pathologists, school nurse and health aide, 31 homeroom teachers, art, library and music teachers, and five special education teachers, a social-emotional learning teacher, two autism and behavior support teachers/classrooms, two Title I Teachers, and 18 support staff personnel. The school also has a school psychologist, behavioral specialist, occupational and physical therapist available if needed. We also offer mental health services through Southwestern Mental Health.  Morning and after-school daycare program is provided through the local Y.M.C.A. for all of our working parents.

Many school activities are available to the students of Sharon Elementary School. Students may participate in the fifth-grade team sports of girls’ volleyball, boys’ basketball, girls’ pep squad, girls’ basketball, and the fourth and fifth-grade team sport of boys’ and girls’ track. Fourth and fifth-grade students may also participate in our intramural athletic program; spell bowl team, our school play, and a math bowl team. 

Many school-wide educational programs are very prominent in each school day. NWEA testing occurs in grades K through five. Rocket Math, Accelerated Reading, CogAT, Exact Path, SEL, Study Island, and the Character Counts! Framework are school-wide programs. Students displaying exceptional character are recognized weekly over the announcements and through our school-wide newsletter called the SHARON SCOOP. Sharon Elementary School was also one of the first schools in Indiana to participate in the online ISTEP+ test. Sharon Elementary has been a 4 Star School 3 times, an “A” school 9/10 times, and has been honored as an IDOE Promising Practice School.

A very active Parent Teacher Organization provides support to the school with an extensive group of parent volunteers. Activities sponsored by our PTO include a Spring Festival, Book Swap, Bingo For Books, Family Reading Night, and multiple school activities. Volunteers are constantly in the school providing an additional educational resource to students in need.

Ashlee Bruggenschmidt is the Principal at Sharon Elementary School. You can contact the school by calling the main office at 812-853-3349.

We are proud to be a Warrick County Elementary School!